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Keeping It 100 Campaign


In 2020, ABI launched a voting initiative to increase voter registration and participation amongst the marketing and advertising community.

As individuals who work in such an impactful profession, we have a lot of sway to get others voting. But we have to start doing it ourselves which is why we set up the challenge, Keeping It 100! The goal? Encouraging 100+ ad agencies to pledge to vote beyond presidential elections and nominating other agencies to do the same. Any agency can join and nominate.

The upcoming March 1st primary election has spurred ABI to dive right into all things elections. From working with Dallas County on their Elections Training Video Campaign to helping those who vote by mail, we’ve seen more voters than ever showing up at the polls.

Fun fact: Did you know that between 1988 and 2020, the average turnout of registered voters in odd-numbered year elections featuring constitutional amendments was 11%-39% lower than the average turnout at general elections in even-numbered years?*

This year, the primary will occur on March 1, 2022, while the general election will occur on Nov. 8, 2022. That means there’s still a lot of work to do with little time.

Dallas County, Texas, is holding general elections for county clerk, district attorney, district clerk, treasurer, county commissioners, constables, community college district board members, commissioners court judge, district court judges, county court judges, county criminal court judges, county criminal district court judges, county criminal court of appeals judges, county probate court, and justices of the peace during this election period.

We believe that everyone should be using their voice to make necessary changes happen. Voting is how we can do that. Don’t let these important dates pass by without participating in this important democratic action

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