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Level Expert - Running a Photo Shoot During a Pandemic


Many of the basic tips for running a well-planned photo shoot will also help you when running a safe photo shoot during the current pandemic. If we could say it in just two words: Proper Planning.

  1. Shot List: Ensure that you’ve properly scouted and finalized your shot list. By avoiding wasted time on location, you can minimize everyone’s exposure to the virus, especially for interior locations. The location scout can also prioritize identifying locations that are less crowded hotspots.

  2. Location Coordination: Coordinate ahead of time with personnel at each location and get the proper clearances to avoid delays due to disagreements on the day of the shoot.

  3. Signage: Bring and display signs to warn people away from the location in which you’re shooting. This will avoid confusion with location officials and dissuade interrupting passersby.

  4. Safety Protocols: Establish and adhere to a set of sensible safety protocols, including: Social distancing, mandatory masks (even for subjects not being shot) and sanitization supplies (e.g., alcohol wipes and hand sanitizer)

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