If your 2021 resolution was to start reading more books this year, look no further. From self-improvement to education - here are the words that are inspiring us during February.
Sarah The Dragon Tamer
A little escape from reality - this book written by Mark Meade, allows readers to enjoy the thrilling adventures of Toren and all that he encounters.
A classic on how to present effective and flawless presentations, this book provides tips to help fight anxiety and offer confidence.
I’m currently reading a book about the constitution, and i’m listening to Barack Obama’s latest book “A Promised Land”
Jeff Uncanny Valley
"While I'm usually reading five books at a time, Uncanny Valley by Anna Wiener is getting the most attention right now."
Regarded as the definitive history of soccer tactics, it is also a reminder that in every creative endeavor (including playing high-level sport) we always borrow from and iterate upon the work that has come before.